Food tunnel to Ganges
Ganges Secondary School wins for naming school safety boards.

TALISMAN Hire Durban South and the South Durban Basin (SDB) Area Based Management (ABM) office awarded Ganges School in Merebank winners of the school safety board competition on Monday, 7 April.
The pupils competed against 20 others in the SDB to come up with a name school safety notice board, which will be put up at every school in the area. With their title, ‘Wall of Safety’ being selected as the best entry, the school will receive a four metre by nine metre food tunnel sponsored and erected by Talisman Hie Durban South.
At the ceremony, SDM ADM manager, Eurakha Singh, Mr Ntuli from the Department of Education regional office and Talisman Hire Durban South director, Ernest Jonck addressed the 1,300 puils.
“The prize is equally important for teaching the pupils how to farm and cultivate vegetables as well as to show pupils the role farmers play in the supply chain of the country,” said Jonck.
The produce harvested from the tunnel will either be sold to raise funds for the school, or used to provide for underprivileged pupils.
With this, the second food tunnel donated this year, Talisman Hire Durban South has committed itself to donating one food tunnel per term in the area to allow for sustainable community development.