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City exposes jobs for sale scam

The municipality clarifies that it does not charge the public to apply for any advertised post.

Ethekwini Municipality warns the public about a scam where fraudulent advertisements posted by a con artist claiming to be a municipal employee about job applications that require payment to be made.

Read here: 6 ways to guard against ‘jobs for a fee’ scams

Applicants are told to pay a fee ranging from R150 to R1,500 in order to secure a job at the municipality as either a cleaner, a Durban Solid Waste official or under the Expanded Public Works programme. The con artist, known as Amanda, sends messages to unsuspecting individuals using WhatsApp, saying that after paying the necessary fee at any PEP Store, Rhino, Spar or Cambridge, applicants must visit the city’s Smith Street offices in Durban to submit their CV so that they can be considered for a job. The city appeals to the public not to respond to any recruitment advertisements where an applicant is required to pay, as doing so is illegal. The municipality clarifies that it does not charge the public to apply for any advertised post.

While the city constantly seeks hardworking, innovative and skilled staff to successfully achieve its strategic objectives, job seekers are urged to follow the correct procedures when applying for a job.

Funded and approved vacancies are advertised every second Friday in the Municipality’s Staff Vacancy Circular which is placed on municipal notice boards, as well as being published in the municipal publication eZasegagasini Metro newspaper and at www.durban.gov.za. Applications can be submitted via email or to the postal address provided in the advertisement. A municipal interview panel is appointed and all applications received by deadline date are considered and when necessary, tests are conducted to select a successful candidate.

If anyone has been asked to pay a bribe in order to secure a municipal job, the city urges them to report these cases to the City Integrity and Investigations Unit on 0800-202020 and the South African Police Service on 10111.

by Holly Konig


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