Elders reunited with families as Tafta unveils unique visitor pod
Femada Shamam, Tafta CEO, said the organisation had started brainstorming ways in which it could reunite elders with family from whom they were isolated, during the country’s heaviest lockdown level five.

THE Association for the Aged (Tafta) unveiled a unique visitor pod that allows families to reunite with their older relatives in a new, safe space at old aged homes on Monday, 19 October at the John Dunn Home in Wentworth.
The visitation pod, which was designed and co-sponsored by Ayoba Board and Accessories, on specification from Tafta, is perfect for two family members at a time to visit with elders in a separate space from the retirement home.
According to Ayoba CEO, Shaun Mohanlall, the design went through various tests to ensure the space allowed for proper ventilation. “When Tafta contacted us, we were very much up for the challenge. The team looked at meeting the objectives of a safe and sanitary visit, with the additional consideration to providing an intimate space for family reunions,” explained Mohanlall.
Femada Shamam, Tafta CEO, said the organisation had started brainstorming ways in which it could reunite elders with family from whom they were isolated, during the country’s heaviest lockdown level five, which prohibited visits to old aged homes.
“To isolate older people from the rest of the world during the pandemic was the most difficult trial we had to face as an organisation that bases its model of care on challenging helplessness, loneliness and boredom in the older population. It is also not a sustainable or healthy lifestyle and we needed to find a solution to meet the needs of elders and their families, while still abiding by lockdown regulations that still encourage minimal visitation to old aged homes. We had heard about visitation pods being introduced in the UK, but the funding for this innovation became difficult given the financial climate in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Shamam said.

The solution became viable when Tafta council member and Old Mutual Marketing Executive Charmain Shandu heard about the challenge of older people facing loneliness and isolation in lockdown. “We decided to invest R10 000 in this project as it resonated strongly with Old Mutual’s community values and our admiration for an innovation of this nature that agilely met the needs of this community to end the isolation these elders have been feeling,” Shandu said.
Attending the launch were Alison Vezasie, 56, and her sister Terry Gabin, 64, who were the first family to experience the visitor’s pod. Gabin has been a John Dunn resident for the past four years. Vezasie said although seeing her elder sister from a distance over the fence while she drove by was comforting during the months of lockdown, being able to visit again and be in closer contact was a huge relief. “We saw each other weekly prior to lockdown and I could drop in whenever I wanted to. To have a means to reconnect physically again is wonderful.” Terry was equally excited: “I’ve missed them all so much and it’s such a joy to visit again.”

Shamam said that depending on the success of the pod, Tafta would seek further funding for similar pods in their other frail care centres to allow its most vulnerable elders to safely visit with families without fear of infection keeping them apart.
WATCH: Elders reunited with families as Tafta unveils unique visitor pod
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