Pensioners dismayed as tennis club increases fees
The senior members said it would be unfortunate to have to stop playing the sport as it is much more than just a game.
SENIOR club members at the Brighton Tennis Club feel they are being unfairly treated following membership increases. Member, Joan Botha, 66, on behalf of other pensioners, they would not afford the increase of over 100 per cent.
“From R50, they now want to make it R165 and we can’t afford it. But maybe we can afford R80 and play once a week. We play every Monday and Friday from 7am to 9am,” she said.
She said it would be unfortunate to have to stop playing the sport as it is much more than just a game.
“We’re pensioners, we all get together and share treats or information. Among us is an 86-year-old woman who has been playing at the club for 46 years. Our ages range between 60 to 80. Nobody uses the courts at the time that we are there and there are about six of us playing. So, the tennis club loses, we lose, and just what for? Money? We’re willing to increase our membership fees,” said the member of 20 years.
However, in a statement, management at the club said it was surprising that the issue was taken to the media. It said Botha did not try to resolve the matter with them as it had tried to from its side.
“As a club, we believed that we were being kind in the way we approached the Sassa pensioners many years ago. Our members have been loyally serving our club and are also actively involved in the Bluff area outside of the club. These players playing on Mondays and Fridays are not members of the club,” the statement reads.
Management also highlighted its pride in the club’s achievements, saying they are leaders in the development of young children in the province.
“During the height of the pandemic, the women’s group never contributed to the club and our full members carried on paying their fees without any questions. The club never asked them for money as we knew everyone was going through hard times. So these allegations are extremely disappointing and unfounded.”
“For a small club, our achievements at a provincial and national level have been remarkable. We are like a family and for someone, who is a non-member, to make these allegations without merit against the club is extremely disappointing.”