Outside Inside

As the days start to get longer and warmer it is time for us to start spending more time in our gardens and doing much needed maintenance around the house.


This month Outside Inside offers tips on how to protect your most important investment, your home, from the potential damage of spring rains.  While you are busy with maintenance, you might also be considering renovations.  We list the type of home improvements that add value to your home and make it worth more when you decide to sell or rent it out to tenants.

Finally, to get us into the mood for Spring, read the advice on how best to grow sunflowers in your own garden.  Well known as a source of great inspiration to artists like VanGogh, Sunflowers are hardly and simple, yet elegant and cheerful making them popular in the garden and in floral arrangements.

Missed previous months tips and advice ?

Check out the topics below..

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Fire Safety
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Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Sunflowers in your garden
Sunflowers in your garden
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