Categories: Local Soccer
| On 6 years ago

Benni McCarthy obtains Uefa Pro Licence

By Phakaaathi Reporter

Cape Town City coach Benni McCarthy has become the most qualified coach in the PSL after obtaining his Uefa Pro Licence.

He received his licence in Belfast, Ireland, this week, where the graduation ceremony was held.

“The Levels just got real it’s official. Uefa Pro Licence Done and Dusted ???? THANK you @officialirishfa,” McCarthy posted on his Instagram account after obtaining his licence.

City has congratulated McCarthy and also celebrated the former Bafana Bafana striker’s achievement.

“CTCFC is delighted to confirm head coach Benni McCarthy has earned his UEFA Pro Coaching License, the highest world-recognised qualification in football. He becomes the only South African coach in the PSL to achieve this elite level of coaching qualification. Congrats!”

ALSO READ: City dismiss Mobara rumours

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