Categories: Local Soccer
| On 6 years ago

Ertugral still waiting for work permit, could miss United clash

By Jonty Mark

Ertugral was yesterday still awaiting a work permit, after being appointed as Urban Warriors coach on December 21, following the sacking of Stanley Menzo.

“It is a work permit issue,” Ertugral told Phakaaathi on Thursday.

“These guys always leave things to the last minute … I have a certain permit, but it has to be renewed, and I also have a permanent residence application in the queue … I applied six months ago.”

Ajax may also be without new Zimbabwean striker Tendai Ndoro for the game against United, as on Thursday he too had yet to received a work permit.

“We are also waiting for Tendai to get his work permit, it is the same issue, so he might not be available,” confirmed Ertugral.