Safa demotes match official after disallowed Sundowns goal

In the wake of coach Pitso Mosimane's rant about match officials getting away with costing his team points, the SA Football Association has demoted an assistant referee for an incident involving a disallowed Mamelodi Sundowns goal.

Assistant referee Edward Madidilani has been relegated to the SAB League for the incident that happened in Sundowns’ game against Bloemfontein Celtic.

Madidilani disallowed a legitimate goal for Sundowns by flagging Lebogang Maboe even though he was onside.

“Following a wrong offside call by assistant referee (Edward) Madidilani, which had a direct impact on the outcome of the match, Safa has endorsed the recommendation of the review committee which is to push Madidilani down to officiate in the SAB League for the next 8 weeks,” Safa head of referees, Tenda Masikhwa told the football body’s website.

“The Mamelodi Sundowns goal was wrongly disallowed for offside and we had to take action against such flagrant failure to correctly apply Law 11,” added Masikhwa.

Safa has asked technical instructor, Mr Enock Molefe to give a progress report on Madidilani after eight weeks.

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