Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Will Chiefs fire Middendorp after shock Cup defeat?

By Khaya Ndubane

According to a source, Middendorp will be asked to give a detailed report on what has gone wrong at Chiefs for the past couple of months leading to the shock 1-0 loss to TS Galaxy in the Nedbank Cup final on Saturday.

“He’ll have to explain what went wrong in the final because the team looked flat and confused on the day. Middendorp will also be asked as to why he should be retained for next season,” added the source.

Meanwhile, Middendorp has apologised to Chiefs fans after Saturday’s loss to Galaxy.

“Sorry. Support from Kaizer Chiefs fans was fantastic, they came from all over the country to make it happen. At the moment it’s very difficult to say how it should go. At the moment it’s shocking. A huge, huge disappointment, sorry,” said the German coach after the game.


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