Categories: World Soccer
| On 7 years ago

Chelsea boss Conte’s weight-loss secret? Touchline passion

By Agence France Presse

The 47-year-old Italian made a stunning impact in guiding Chelsea to the Premier League title in his first season in England after arriving last year.

But the former international midfielder also quickly won a reputation for displaying his full range of emotions on the sidelines, including jumping into the arms of Chelsea fans to celebrate goals.

He admits he will need to tone down his behaviour one day.


“I finish the game and I’m destroyed. I think I lose 2-3 kilos (over six pounds) during the game,” he told reporters in Singapore, where Chelsea are on a pre-season tour.

“I try to transfer all my passion into my work. I know that in the future it will be very difficult to continue to have this because to stay on the touchline and have this passion, you must have a lot of strength.

“In the future my strength will be less and then maybe I will try to keep myself calm and more seated.”
