Job seekers corner – 11 March 2015
Are you jobless? Send an SMS to 45534, type in the word JOB and tell us what kind of job you can do. SMSs will be published unedited, so take care with your spelling to impress potential employers! Remember to provide a phone number in your SMS on which employers may call you. *I …

Are you jobless? Send an SMS to 45534, type in the word JOB and tell us what kind of job you can do. SMSs will be published unedited, so take care with your spelling to impress potential employers! Remember to provide a phone number in your SMS on which employers may call you.
*I am a semi-retired male, still in good health and is seeking employment. I have good experience in buying-local and oversas, inventory, warehousing, distribution, marketing, sales, customer liaison, estimating in the steel industry and is well qualified. Will work anywhere in country. Please contact Hennie on 082 921 1186 any time. Thank you.
*Ek soek werk van Donderdag en Saterdag, wasgoed was en stryk, huis skoonmaak in Vanderbijl en Vaalpark. Dankie. Dorethy. 079 682 0956.
*Assistent verpleegster op soek na werk as tuisversorger of verpleegster. Lisensie. Meer as 15 jaar ondervinding in veld. Kan inbly. Geen afhanklikkes. Adri. 079 073 7427.
*Dringend op soek na werk in Vereeniging. Ek het ondervinding in die volgende poste: kassier, ontvangsteklerk en bestelklerk. Kan admin ook doen. Het rekenaar kennis. Sonja Pienaar. 083 629 5673 en e-mail
*Ek is ‘n 40-jarige blanke vrou op soek na werk. Ek het ondervinding in kassierwerk, ta ke a ways en in ‘n slaghuis (verpakking van vleis). My no is 073 662 2223.
*Ek is ‘n blanke dame soek werk as tuisversorger, ek kan inwoon. 081 088 8856.
*Ek is ‘n w.m fitter en soek werk in Vaaldriehoek, dis dringendt, my nommer is 072 321 2132.
*Ek soek die werk, skoonmaak, strik alles doen. 40 years old. Many experience. 071 841 1547. Sarah.
*Ek soek graag na werk as counter salesman of opsigterswerk. Ook as woonstel opsigters werk. My tel no is 060 486 5375. Dankie.
*Hi ek is dringend op soek na werk as begrafnisondernemer, ek het ondervinding of enige ander werk asb. Norman. 083 997 2099.
*Hi ek soek asb. werk as ‘n huiswerker. Kan kook en stryk ook. Woensdae asb. my nr is 078 233 2514. Dankie.
*Hi ek soek werk as swaarvoertuig bestuurder. Het 5 jaar ondervinding, kode 10 lisensie EC1 en PDP. 073 2570 154.
*I am looking for a job as a domestic work I can iron clean house etc full time or part time pls call me at 073 508 6591.
*My name is Edward, looking for a job as a driver, I have code ten whit pdp, I am willing to travel long and shot distances. 073 547 0988.
*I am currently running a small business. Ive got 3 years and 6 months experience. Very friendly personality and good with clients. Want to spread my wings for a new opportunity. I do stock take, ordering of stock, interact with clients and balancing of books, handling of cash and cards. Would like a new challange. Please contact Marina @ 083 653 6230.
*I am desparetly looking for job. I live in Joburg Daveyton. I have matric, security grade D, computer, customer care. I worked as community laison officer 078 990 6567.
*I am Sarah Maseko, I am desperate looking for a job as a filing clerk cashier general worker domestic worker any kind of job will be highly apriciated my number 073 011 0473 or 076 831 8845.
*I m looking for the job domestic work in Vanderbjlpark, was looking for the disable baby for six years, I am 53 years my cell no 083 726 4580.
*I’m a 47 year old man looking for a job as a driver with code 10 and pdp who knows Gauteng,Vaal Triangle and Mpumalanga very well, with experience as a semiskilled pipe fitter can start work asap, can contact me at 072 411 3004 at all times ask for Alfred. Thank you.
*Indian female. Experience in HR admin. Clerical. Data capture. Stock control. Diesel monitoring. Computer literate. Reception or witchboard duties. Please contact Perusha on 072 224 1270. Thank you.
*Is their any one who has a postion in their company that can give me a job debtors or creditors pasel literate 40+ yrs exp contact carol 072 218 1354.
*I am 42 years old woman. I am looking for a job in office cleaning and house keeping. I am 5 years in experience in office cleaning. I have passed my matric and have done a cleaning course my contact details are 072 203 64381.
*47 year old male with over 10 years experience as a production or project and fabrication manager. Extensive knowledge of structural, precision, fabrication and general engineering. Please contact 063 151 1021.
*Dringend opsoek na werk in Vereeniging. Ek het ondervinding in die volgende poste: kassier, ontvangsteklerk en bestelklerk. Kan admin ook doen. Het rekenaar kennis. Sonja Pienaar 083 629 5673 en email
*Ek is n 18-jarige dame wat op soek is na kantoor werk in Vanderbijlpark het nie ondervinding nie, is goed in rekenaargeletterdheid, is bereid om te leer het laasjaar matriek geskryf. Kan my kontak op 084 569 3775 dankie baie.
*25 year old African Male. I am looking for any job within the education sector. I have experience in sport organising, administration, and stock taking. Im Computer literate. I have first aid. I would like to pursue a career in education. Contact me 078 522 9335 071 759 2436
*27-jarige man op soek na werk het kode 14 lesensie met pdp voltyds of deeltyds baie lojaal en vertroubaar leer vinnig. My cell 072 063 7999.
*Afgetrede rekenmeester of boekhouer soek werk, voltyds, deeltyds of kontrakwerk. Skakel Johann 083 961 0697.
*Blanke man 47jr oud, woonagtig in Klerksdorp omgewing, fitter job asb so gou moontlik. 18 maande al werkloos. Het op myn gewerk voor hul begin verminder het, kontak George op 072 271 5349.
*Ek het 13 jaar bemarking en radio omroepers (tans in die bedryf) ondervinding en 2 jaar motor verkope ondervinding skakel Dave by 082 4949 015
*Ek soek plaaswerk, blyplek asb. Jaco of WhatsApp 072 498 4059 of 073 510 3778.
*Electrician knoledge of welding, painting, plumbing 49 yrs man from Zim looking 4 anything 16 yrs expirience Also tractor driver call 062 297 6601.
*I am a 29yr old male looking for any warehouseclerk or auditor as well as store room possition got following experiance as picker packer datacaptureing auditing and stockcount plus code08 drivers licence my name is graham can contact me on 079 036 7410.
*I am looking for retail or shop assistant job in Vereeniging. Have 8 years experience in retail. Please contact Amy on 076 233 1080.
*Occupational health and safety officer, experience in various industries. Preferably Vaal Triangle. For cv please phone or whatsapp 073 184 7930. Thank you.
*Im an single parent, 47 years old looking for a job as a domestic worker i can speak english and afrikaans fluently you contact me at 076 082 0083.
*Hi my name is Anna I’m 36yrs, looking for process clerk post and have 2yrs experience in workplace.Contact me on 078 274 8576.
*Im a lady with Office Administration NQF Level 4 Certificate qualification. Im seeking employment in the following fields – Administration or Reception or any Office job. Im a fast learner, hard working and very ambitious. Please contact me on 071 068 7604.
*18-jarige manlike student in Potchefstroom op soek na ‘n deeltydse werk. Ek is hardwerkend en is gretig om te leer. Ek het min ondervinding maar leer baie vinnig. Kontak my op 082 468 1049. Baie dankie.
*26 years old lady with matric,security grades & computer with no experience desperate for any permanent or temporary job. Please call me 078 118 6003.
*Ek is op soek na werk as auto spares stoorman and salesman, 5jaar ondervinding by bmw vaalridge auto. soek werk ook as semi-skilled boilermaker.
Het my tyd gedoen by Broderick, Dorbyl Vereeniging maar nie rooi seel nie- oor die 20 jaar ondervinding. Kan my skakel by 082 967 3619 (Ernest Holtmann) NB kan cv email met kontakbare ref.
*My man is dringend op soek na werk hy het eie vervoer en gereedskap hy het rooi seel carpenter woon in Potchefstroom sy nr is 076 956 0026.
*My naam is Ockert Snyman, was in die motorwêreld sedert 1972. Ek soek ‘n verkoop geleentheid in die motorhandel. Ek soek nie ‘n basiese salaris, medies, pensioen of ‘n mtskpy motor nie, slegs kommissie. Gebore in 48. Kan verkoop. Dankie 076 717 0173.
*My name is Alice, I’m looking for a cleaning job in offices domestic call me 079 824 8610.
*My name is Annah Tshabalala, I can work as cashier, petrol attendant or general worker my number is 073 784 1800.
*My name is Martha Mokoena I am 31years old i am looking for a domestic worker job around Sasolburg and Vanderbijlpark my cell number is 083 761 4675.
*My name is Phumla Skisazana. Im looking for domestic work i am a hard worker. My number is 078 913 2977.
*Soek dringend na werk kan dadelik begin in Sasolburg of Vaaldriehoek, het retail ondervinding; receiving manager.
Floor manager, assitant manager; bottlestore manager: telesales, supervisior in take aways contact norma 083 520 5771.
*Soek werk 2dae in week afr sprekend denise 078 482 7958.
*Tuisversorging vir bejaardes, streemdes, terminale persone kontak Suzan 073 837 6238.
*Ek is ‘n enkellopende blanke dame soek ‘n werk as tuisversorger kan inwoon ek kan gekontak word by die 074 968 2208.
*Ons maak handgemaakte artikels vir oud en jonk wat ons verkoop vir n inkomste. Skakel 082 975 3685 of sms na 18h00 vir navrae.