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Steenkoolspruit drowning search halted

The search for the missing fisherman who disappeared in the Steenkoolspruit was suspended this afternoon.

The search for the man who drowned in the Steenkoolspruit in Ga-Nala has been postponed.

Divers from Delta Rescue 1 fine-combed the turbulent spruit wherein the man, fishing with his friend on January 15, slipped and fell into the raging spruit.

Andries Lee from Delta Rescue 1 said they searched a stretch of the water but were called to a scene where a child drowned in Embalenhle, and they had to call off the Steenkoolspruit search.

The farmer on whose farm the incident occurred said the man’s friend alerted him and he immediately called SAPS after they could not find the man.

The identity of the man is still unknown.

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Zita Goldswain

News Editor at the Witbank News Caxton stable. Witbank News has been my ‘home’ for the past 24 years. Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling the space true words said by Rebecca West. I meet challenges, get the better of them and fill space with true words.
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