Of all the things I will teach my daughter, the most important lesson will be what to watch out for when it comes to the opposite sex.
I can feel my wife rolling her eyes as I am writing this, she feels I worry too much about the future and perhaps she has a point but I see it as being prepared about a million things at once, unrealistic but I mean it’s kind of how I am wired. By the time this appears in the newspaper, Liah will be one month old. That’s just 156 months away from her being 13 and that worries me you know? In all honesty, I don’t need to worry too much about her because between my wife and I she’ll be just fine.
So instead I will write down the things to watch out for when it comes to the dating game because yes, I am a man and yes, we were all young once…
Firstly, make sure he respects you. Not him just telling you what you want to hear, but genuinely respecting you and making you feel that as well. Simple thing like being on time shows so much respect.
Secondly, honesty is best policy. Being honest will not be easy, trust me, but it will make your life so much easier in the long run and besides its hard trying to keep track of all the lies. You’ll know when he isn’t honest, trust me.
Lastly, never allow your partner to dictate your happiness. They can always add to your happiness but never think they are responsible for it, you are the only one who can make yourself happy so surround yourself with people who will help you, not hinder you.
Even though she’s young I’m already giving her pep talks about the future and every now and then, I swear I can see her eyes rolling at me while I talk. My wife is enjoying this.