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Dam levels steady across Zululand region

Goedertrouws dam began overflowing in early May following heavy rains, and has remained steady since

Geodertrouw dam has, for the past few weeks, remained high, above 100% capacity.

The dam near eShowe was stable last week, recording 100.2% – the same level as the previous week.

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It began overflowing in early May following heavy rains, and has remained steady since.

Pongolapoort dam, which was at 84% capacity the week before last, shifted slightly, to 83.7% last week.

This is according to the KZN Department of Water and Sanitation’s (DWS) weekly dam report.

“Despite the considerably good standing of dam levels in most parts of the province, the department acknowledges there are communities which are still affected by water scarcity challenges,” said DWS spokesperson Sputnik Ratau.

“The department further supports and continues to work with the provincial government, several organs of State, and other organisations to ensure residents still facing water challenges as a result of the April floods are provided with alternative water sources.”

He, however, warned residents to continue using water sparingly, and to refrain from vandalising water infrastructure, as well as report water leaks to local authorities.



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