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House robbers strike in Erica Street

Pepper spray was used during this attack.

A resident of Erica Street in Carletonville had a harrowing experience this week.

The man was asleep in his bedroom on 16 May. He awoke at about 04:30 and saw an unknown intruder standing at his bed with a firearm and pepper spray. He immediately demanded money in English.

“We do not have any,” the victim replied. At that, the robber sprayed pepper spray at the victim and his family and grabbed their four cell phones. He also grabbed the keys to the victim’s white VW Polo (registration number DN 17 PG GP) and fled in the car.

The victim later told police he thought the robber was part of a group as he had heard other voices outside his home during the attack.

The police are investigating house robbery and motor vehicle theft cases.

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