Another victim for Camden Ave bend
“I have lost count of the number of vehicles that have either crashed into trees or crashed through fences."

The notorious Camden Avenue bend claimed yet another unsuspecting victim late on Sunday night when the driver of a bakkie lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a tree while rounding the bend.
No-one was injured in the accident however this latest incident has again raised concern among residents that lives will be lost unless action is taken to curb speeding motorists. Fatal accidents have occurred at the bend in the past.
For many years, residents have on numerous occasions individually and collectively approached the Msukaligwa Municipality to install speed inhibitors on either side of the bend and to erect a stop sign at the intersection with Mel Mentz Street.
“I have lost count of the number of vehicles that have either crashed into trees or crashed through fences and landed up in the front yards of properties on both sides of the road. We fear for the safety of our children and grandchildren as the cars come crashing into our gardens at all time of the day and night. Must there be another death before the authorities listen to our pleas and take action?” asked a resident who lives nearby.