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Police pray for festive season

Brig Mtungwa also encouraged the police to spread love not violence, respect for the community they serve and to do so with dignity.

The SAPS Ermelo Cluster held a prayer day last Thursday where they prayed for a safe festive season, safety for its members and the community.

Cluster chaplain Capt Mbethe prayed for the reduction of crime, fight against drugs and alcohol as well as family violence, unemployment and 16 Days of Activism.

Mayflower station commander Capt M.J. Mashinini emphasised drugs addiction, liquor abuse and domestic violence. He also pleaded with the community to work together with the police.

Ermelo cluster commander Brig L.M. Mtungwa brought hope to all 12 stations and the community that working together can decrease crime.

Brig Mtungwa also encouraged the police to spread love not violence, respect for the community they serve and to do so with dignity.

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