It’s made connecting with long lost friends a whole lots easier and has helped foster new friendships as well.
Facebook is used by so many people for so many reasons, but sadly, some people take it too far.
There are just some things you shouldn’t post on Facebook.
1. Don’t post half naked selfies. It’s pretty self explanatory really. Don’t post pictures if your bits and pieces are barely covered. This is especially true for the younger generation who would post anything just to get attention and over 100 likes.
2. Don’t post videos of school children fighting. The time spent recording the fight and putting it on Facebook could have been spent by actually breaking up the fight and ensuring no one gets hurts in the process.
3. Don’t post your love (or infatuation) for your partner. You’ve all seen them. People who are so in love with each other that everyone on Facebook needs to know. How nauseating. A few days later they break up and there’s no reason why.
4. Don’t start fight on Facebook. You may have a colourful vocabulary, but we really don’t need to see it on Facebook. Whether it be in statuses or in the comments section, don’t use Facebook to settle your vendettas.
5. Don’t post pictures of every meal you eat. Do you go out a lot and get to dine on some delicious dishes? Great, we are happy for you, but we don’t really need to see every single thing that goes into your mouth. Save that for Instagram, #FoodPorn is there for a reason.
6. Don’t air your dirty laundry on Facebook. If you’re having marital problems, the rest of the world doesn’t need to know about it. Seek professional help or speak to a close friend.
7. Don’t post your medical complaints, bodily functions or bowel movements. Talk about too much info. Your friends, no matter how close they are, don’t want to know how often you need to use the loo and what was the reason for your visits.
8. Don’t post every single location you go too. Some people just want everyone to know that they had supper at Spur last night or that they checked into the local doctors office today. Whenever you ask what the medical emergency is, they always say that they can’t talk about it yet. So why post it?
9. Don’t post during or after a night out. Unless you want to be a part of the next meme or internet laugh, don’t post while under the influence of alcohol. Your drunken statuses will be hilarious to others but extremely embarrassing for you.
10. Don’t post pictures asking people to type Amen. Yes we believe in God. Yes we feel sorry for the girl who lost her leg to cancer. But no, we aren’t Satan worshippers just because we don’t type Amen after every photo you share.
Ten Things Tuesday – What not to post on Facebook | Northern KZN Courier