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8 Things that make our town, Ermelo special and unique

What makes Ermelo special?


1.The unique and unpredictable weather

The Highvelder asked some people what makes the town of Ermelo unique to them and the first thing that came out in a choir was “the weather”.

According to them you get four seasons in one day and the weather is totally unpredictable.

2. Only one lift and no escalators?

Ermelo does not have very high buildings and has only one lift and no escalators.

3. Why don’t we know how a traffic circle works?

Ermelo has only one traffic circle and believe you me, most people still do not know how to approach that circle.

4. Why don’t we have cinemas?

Residents of Ermelo must travel to Secunda, Witbank, Middelburg or one of the cities to see a movie as we do not have a cinema.

5. We have an Agricultural Show like no one else

Ermelo is one of very few towns in South Africa that still presents an annual Agricultural Show where horses, cattle, sheep and even chickens are on show.

6. We know how to support each other when a crisis arise


All the people I asked agreed on the fact that in an case of emergency Ermelo people can stand together and without hesitation open their hearts and their purses.

7. We are right in the centre

Ermelo is right in the centre of Secunda, Volksrust, Piet Retief and Standerton – all towns are situated about 100km away from Ermelo.

8. But we can sometimes be first with technology

Ligbron Academy for Technology was the first school to roll out the E-learning project country wide with great success.

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