Brummer and Douglas dams in Ermelo: A worrying sight
The Brummer Dam is nearly empty, and the Douglas Dam's water levels have receded to such an extent that some taps are dry around Ermelo.
ERMELO – With Day Zero, when all the municipal taps were expected to run dry, now behind us, some areas are still facing severe water shortages, while others have been less affected, sparing the town from a complete water shutdown.
The Brummer Dam is, however, nearly empty, and the Douglas Dam’s water levels have receded to such an extent that the municipality must repeatedly shift extraction points to continue siphoning water.
When Highvelder visited the dams last week, the extent of the crisis was evident.
The Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) had escalated to level 2 water restrictions as the town faces a critical water supply crisis, with dramatic declines in water levels at the dams.
ALSO READ: GALLERY – Brummer and Douglas dams drying up
Residential and business consumption are limited to 50% of normal levels, with industrial users restricted to 75%. Garden watering is completely prohibited with municipal water, and only alternative sources are allowed.
Swimming pool filling and vehicle washing, including commercial car washes, have been banned.
Households exceeding 15 000L per month, including indigent households, face fines under Section 75A of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000. Flow restrictors may also be installed for non-compliance.
Read the complete article in Highvelder