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Pienaar parents of missing six-year-old plead for his safe return

In an interview with both the parents, Solly Mabandla and Thabisile Thwala, they said they only want their son to return home to them, safely.

The parents of a missing six-year-old boy, Junior Mabandla, said they are imploring anyone who might know the whereabouts of their son to return him home to them.

During an interview with Junior’s mother on Thursday June 6, Thabisile Thwala said if any person took her son, she is pleading with them to bring him back.

She said whatever it is the person or people might want, she is willing to give it to them in an exchange for Junior.

ALSO READ: Six-year-old boy from Pienaar missing

“It is so hard for me to get by, because the past days without him are long and unbearable. I know he disappeared on Monday, but it feels so long and my heart aches. I miss him every second, and it is hard to imagine that I might have go through another day without him,” she said.

She said she doesn’t have any enemies and she can’t think of anyone she might have wronged.

ALSO READ: Mpumalanga SAPS asks Pienaar community to end protest

His father, Solly Mabandla, shared the same sentiments and said he would give anything to have Junior back.

He said it is hard for him to talk about this ordeal. The community members of Pienaar have been assisting with the search for the six-year-old.

In a statement released on Tuesday June 4, a provincial police spokesperson, Colonel Donald Mdhluli, said according to the information they have, Junior was last seen leaving his parental home at about 15:00 on Monday, when he reportedly went to buy some sweets from a nearby spaza shop. He was last seen wearing a blue jersey and black trousers.

Since then, he has not returned home. Some community members and the police have searched the area, but without success. On Thursday, following a protest in Pienaar, Mdhluli asked the community there to let the police proceed with the search.

The police are requesting information about Junior’s whereabouts. Contact the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit’s commander, Lieutenant Colonel Tinyiko Mnisi, on 082 079 2237, or the Crime Stop number on 08600 10111. Alternatively, send information via the My SAPS app.

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