
Handsak by Wees-Wakker-Fees gesteel

’n Jong inwoner is haar sleutels, selfoon en beursie met al haar noodsaaklike dokumente kwyt, nadat haar handsak tydens die Wees-Wakker-Fees by Laerskool Middelburg gesteel is.

Megan Jarvis sê haar bruin Foschini handsak is Vrydagaand tussen 23:00 en 12:00 by die stalletjie waar sy gewerk het gesteel.

’n Ford Ranger sleutel, beursie met al haar kaarte, bestuurslisensie en identiteitsdokumente, asook ’n swart iPhone XR met ’n omhulsel waarop wit blommetjies is, was binne die handsak gewees.

Indien iemand die handsak, sleutels of Megan se bestuurderslisensie en identiteitsdokument optel, word hulle gevra om Robert Jarvis by 083 779 5153 te skakel.

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Sjani Campher

Sjani has been working as a community journalist and photographer at the Middelburg Observer since 2018, during which she has been responsible for the content creation for both digital and print, as well as maintaining the publication's online platforms. She is a member of the Forum for Community Journalists, and focuses on fields including hard news, investigative reporting, human interest, columns and sports.
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