No record of Baby Jamie case – Childline KZN

Childline have no records pertaining to the abuse of slain toddler Jamie Faith Naidoo (Baby Jamie), according to KwaZulu-Natal Chairman Robbie Naidoo.

Naidoo said an investigation into the matter was launched following allegations made in the media, Rising Sun Chatsworth reported.

According to earlier reports, neighbours claimed to have called Childline on numerous occasions to report the alleged continuous abuse of Baby Jamie, but to no avail.

“A detailed written record search was conducted together with a detailed telephonic recording search [and] our crisis line staff was interviewed,” Naidoo said.

Naidoo added that after lengthy investigations, Childline KZN could not find any records of the case.

“All such records were thoroughly checked by the director of Childline KZN, Vanespiri Pillay,” he said.

Last month, president of Child Welfare Chatsworth said regular visits were conducted at Baby Jamie’s home, and no visible injuries or signs of neglect were prevalent.

“We followed up on the call and found no sign of injury, and upon interviewing the child and grandmother, there was no indication of neglect,” Logan Naidoo said.

This despite reports of Baby Jamie having had various visible injuries on her body.

The injuries reportedly included cigarette burns all over her face and body, fingernails and toenails, which seemed to have been yanked out, a torn ear as well as a dislocated knee.

Baby Jamie was murdered at her Chatsworth home last month, allegedly by her mother and grandmother.

The two women are currently in police custody and are expected to re-appear in the Chatsworth Magistrate’s Court on Thursday for their bail application.

– Caxton News Service

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