Categories: Crime
| On 3 years ago

Correctional services officer allegedly beats wife to death

By News24 Wire

A 38-year-old correctional services officer was allegedly beaten to death by her husband.

The man is also a correctional services officer at the same prison.

The couple was stationed at Goedemoed Correctional Centre in Aliwal North, the Eastern Cape.

The woman was allegedly beaten during an argument with her husband.

Deputy Justice Minister Nkosi Phatehekile Holomisa confirmed Aliwal North police were investigating a murder case and a 38-year-old man had been arrested for allegedly killing his wife.

“Reports indicate that an argument broke out between the couple, and the husband [suspect] allegedly severely assaulted the victim to death,” said Holomisa.

The suspect is due to appear in Aliwal North Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

“The ministry takes such acts of criminality very seriously, and we will not tolerate this blatant disregard for the law by correctional officials. Together with all law enforcement agencies, we will ensure that justice is served and that similar incidents are prevented,” said Holomisa.


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