The airline has received R35bn in bailouts and government guarantees since 1999, according to the DA.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) on Monday unveiled its brand new billboard at Park Station, Johannesburg, which highlights South African Airways’ (SAA) financial losses.
DA leader Mmusi Maimane said the ANC-led government could not afford to “throw billions” of rand at the loss-making national carrier while four children a day die of starvation in the country.
The new billboard reads: “Four children die of hunger every day in South Africa, yet the ANC wastes R35 billion for their rich friends to fly SAA.”
Maimane said the airline had received R35 billion in bailouts and government guarantees since 1999.
He said this took place while 4 900 children under the age of five had died over the past three years in South Africa due to severe malnutrition, as confirmed by the department of health earlier this year.
Watch the video below:
Here is the new #DA billboard. WATCH
— Clement Manyathela (@TheRealClementM) October 23, 2017
@MmusiMaimane #SAAcrisis: Mashonisa ya Dudu Myeni .This our money not for Zuma Lets stop the bailout #SAA @Our_DA @hvolmink
— People's servant (@tsepomhlongo) October 23, 2017
– Additional reporting African News Agency
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