Click here for more details
Please deposit your entrance fee electronically to the following banking details:
North Coast Courier Orphan Fund
Branch 630229
Account No: 9109572488
Reference: Surname of Angler 1
(Please note your entry will not be confirmed until the entry fee is paid)
1. Only artificial baits to be used, no live bait permitted whatsoever. Please crimp your barbs and have barbless hooks, this will minimize injuries to the fish caught.
2. Only live, bass fish to be weighed by the weigh master (bass only).
3. All fish must be released safely back to the dam where they have been caught straight after being weighed and recorded by the weigh master. In the event of a gut hooked fish, please trim the line out of the mouth and allow the weigh master to remove the hook for you, so as to ensure no further damage to the fish. They have been trained to remove hooks, so ask them to show you how.
4. No fish may be removed from the premises.
5. Care should be taken not to hold the fish out of the water for longer than a minute. Please signal to a marshal to assist you. Hold the fish by the lower jaw and keep the fish alive in the water until a weigh master has reached you. Please keep the fish wet as long as possible and do not allow the fish to be placed on the grass as this removes its protective coating.
6. Each Competitor and guest are to be acquainted with & adhere to the rules of the tournament. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification.
7. Angling from the shore only.
8. Score cards are to be carried by all anglers.
9. Anyone caught to be handing over fish to another competitor to score, will be banned from this event and future events. This is a fundraiser in good spirit and we expect the anglers to compete accordingly.
10. Arrival/registration starts at 6am and anglers can start fishing immediately after they registered.
11. Fishing will take place from 6am and lines up at 10am.
12. Score cards to be handed in by 10.30am – no exceptions will be entertained.
13. Prize giving will commence at 11am at the Rain Farm Conference venue.
14. In the event of no fish weighed (unlikely), all prizes will go into a lucky draw.
15. In the event of a tie there will be a draw for the prizes.
16. Sporting behavior and respect for other anglers are imperative, please give each other their due casting space.
17. The dams provided are private property and have been sponsored for this event by the land owners. Please respect the fauna and flora and the privacy of the land owners. Any abuse will see us forfeiting any future use of these facilities.
18. Do not litter, there are refuse bins provided. HEFTY FINES IF YOU ARE CAUGHT LITTERING. Please make sure discarded fishing line is destroyed as birdlife do tend to get caught up and land up with severe injuries.
19. In the event of bad weather the tournament will continue. Please come prepared nevertheless.