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Alarming rise in rape cases in Ward 17

Rape of old women - in particular those living alone - are also said to be rife.

A reported rise in rape cases in Ward 17 has women of all ages fearful they might become the next victim.
Following four incidents of rape around the Mvuzini area, Ward 13 Councillor, Tholile Khumalo is arranging a community meeting on August 30, to discuss resolutions to this rising pandemic.

ALSO READ: Mondlo community accuses man of rape, torches family home
“The most recent case still has me terrified, because I cannot for the life of me understand what has turned people into such animals. There is a particular building that used to be a butchery and now stands vacant, where most of these rapes seem to occur,” explained Khumalo.
In the latest incident, a 13 year-old girl was attacked while on her way to a nearby shop.

Read more on this story in this week’s Vryheid Herald.

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