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Fiery accident claims one life

One dead, two injured in fiery crash

One person was tragically killed after a vehicle caught alight this morning following a crash on the R33 at Kambula.

The vehicle veered off the road and crashed into the plantations and burst into flames.

Farmers from the area used their ‘bakkie sakkies’ and ‘tractor tank cars’ to fight the fire.
Two other people were treated to at the scene by paramedics, one of which sustained serious injuries.

The other was injured critically along with severe burns to a large portion of his body.  The critical patient was airlifted by a medical helicopter after advanced life support intervention was performed.

At this stage the cause of the accident is unknown and being investigated by authorities.

Burnt out vehicle on the R33.

ALSO READ: Vehicles collide at R34/R33 intersection

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