
On This Day in South African History

12 February 1965 marked the official proclamation of whites only public places of recreation in South Africa under The Group Areas Act.

In accordance to the Group Areas Act of 1950, public places of recreation in white areas were proclaimed on 12 February 1965.

This meant that following the proclamation, black people were prohibited from entering these public places of recreation. The proclamation also listed sporting events, theatres and concerts in white areas from which blacks were barred. It was made 15 years after the Group Areas Act was promulgated.


The apartheid system had been designed to separate South Africans along racial lines. This was mostly done to promote white superiority and to establish the minority white regime at the expense of the black majority of the country. Many Apartheid laws were scrapped when the democratic government led by the African National Congress (ANC) emerged in 1994.


Source: SA History 

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