20 jaar geledeBlogsNewsOpinions

Thousands flock to see Mandela

Die Herald het weer or verskeie nuusgebeure in sy uitgawe van 20 jaar gelede berig.

Die Herald het weer or verskeie nuusgebeure in sy uitgawe van 20 jaar gelede berig.

President Nelson Mandela called for the country to stand united and work towards building a new and winning nation during the African National Congress’ 84th-anniversary celebrations in Khutsong. Mandela and his entourage arrived around noon on Sunday, 7 January to a tumultuous welcome from the 10 000-strong crowd which had begun assembling early that morning.

He was welcomed by the mayor of Greater Carletonville, Mr Dan Ndzeku and escorted around the grounds by the colourful Wedela drum majorettes. On opening, Pres. Mandela said, “We salute the citizens of Carletonville for the manner in which you have handled the transition. From the great conflict of the past, you are now united”.The president said issues of joblessness, homelessness and inaccessible education, health and opportunities for self-advancement were key issues which need to be addressed.

Die liggaam van ‘n onbekende man is deur verbygangers langs ‘n besige straat op Welverdiend aangetref. Volgens insp. Koos du Toit, bevelvoerder van die Polisiediens op Welverdiend is die moord vermoedelik Sondagnag op die hoek van Tiendelaan en Sewentiendestraat gepleeg. Die oorledene het steekwonde aan sy nek gehad en hy het hom vermoedelik doodgebloei.
The SPCA has reported that Chrismas was busy and exhausting for staff, whose burden was aggravated by a large number of crackers fired by residents. An SPCA spokesperson said scores of terrified dogs took to the streets in an attempt to escape the loud explosions.

These hapless canines found themselves “doing time” in the kennels while, in all probability, distraught owners were combing the streets in search of them. The SPCA said an Alsatian had broken down a steel security door to escape the noise of crackers and cited this as ample proof of the extreme anxiety suffered by the dogs.

Wes-Transvaal het na ‘n afwesigheid van vyf jaar terug tot die Curriebekerreeks teruggekeer. Daar het egter ‘n moeilike seisoen op die mielieboere gewag.

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