Ons is almal ouers

’n Miljoen besluite om te neem as dit by jou kinders kom, wat om jou baba te voer, of hulle moet dag sorg toe gaan of nie, hoe word jou kinders gedissiplineer, of jy lap doeke of weggooi doeke gaan gebruik, kan jy vir jou baba lekkers gee, moet mamma vir pappa en baba alleen by die huis los?

Die weeklikse rubriek, Uit my Dagboek in die Midweek, fokus op dié video. Kry die Midweek Dinsdag (28 Julie) om die rubriek te lees.

Dustin Wetdewich

I have been a journalist with the herald since 2014. In this time I have won numerous writing awards. I have branched out to sport reporting recently and enjoy the new challenge. In 2019 I was promoted to Editor of the Herald which brings another set of challenges. I am comitted to being the best version of myself.
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