
Local karateka grades to red belt

Karel Janse van Rensburg of Yin-Yang Karate and Self-Defence Studio graded to red belt.

This was after he went through a tough grading on 27 April. Owner of Yin-Yang Karate and Self- Defence Studio, sensei Annatjie de Jager said that the grading was tough mentally and physically, however, he pulled through.

“It consisted of basics, kata, kumite, graplings and effective weaponless defence and attacks. It requires a high fitness standard,” she explained.

Front left to right: Sheza Abbaz, Itumeleng Mabusa, Wickus Viljoen, Zane Janse van Rensburg. Middle left to right: Samantha Viljoen, Ludrick Viljoen and Aden Janse van Rensburg. Back left to right: Karel Janse van Rensburg, Zelandia Janse Van Rensburg, Nathan Minnie, Sensei Annatjie de Jager and Wickus Janse van Rensburg.

She further added that an intelligent mind is never satisfied.

“It will always continue to create new levels of perfection which the body struggles to achieve. This is progress,” she said.

De Jager concluded with a quote by Gichin Funakoshi which states, “the ultimate aim of the art of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants.” The other karatekas are preparing for upcoming gradings and the annual national competition in Brits from 8 to 10 October.

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