Defensive pistol shooting is a sport that improves one’s firearm handling skills

The EDPC (Ermelo Defensive Pistol Club) held a shooting competition at the Indawo shooting range on Saturday during which competitors faced some interesting and challenging tasks.
Defensive pistol shooting is a sport that improves one’s firearm handling skills and presents real-life scenarios that test the skills of the shot, using every-day equipment.
EDPC is affiliated to a national body, SADPA (South Africa Defensive Pistol Association), which is governed by IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association).
The top shots in each division and class for the past weekend’s shoot are: SSP/NO – Richard Proudman, SSP/MM – Bruce Theron, SSP/SS – Jaco Moolman, ESP/NO – Shawn Grobbelaar, ESP/MM – Neels van der Schyff, SR/MM – Freddy Bosch and CDP/NO – Vivian Whatley.
Ladies: SSP/NO – Christelle Whatley and ESP/NO – Cheryl Geldenhuis.