CPW’s not authorised to certify documents
“No Commander may under any circumstances allow the Crime Prevention Wardens (CPW's) to perform any duty that’s assigned to a member of the SAPS."

SEDIBENG.– The Crime Prevention Wardens (CPW’s) are in no way authorised to act as Commissioners of Oaths.
This was reveled in a recent memorandum that was sent out to senior SAPS members about the utilisation of CPW’s in the Community Services Centres (CSC’s) of different police stations in the province.
The memorandum which was issued by the Gauteng Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Elias Mawela said tha the CPW’s are not people who are authorised to certify documents or attest a document by applying the oath of a Commissioner of Oath as they are not Peace Officers and there fore lack the legal authority to to the same.
“No Commander may under any circumstances allow the Crime Prevention Wardens to perfom any duty that’s asigned to a member of the SAPS,” Mawela said in the memorandum.
Only SAPS members in the CSC are allowed to authenticate documents.