Bladder infections rank highest in SA
South Africa ranked highest for urinary tract infections (UTIs) among eight other sub-Saharan African countries

Bladder infections are common around the globe, but South Africans seem to struggle more.
According to a study published in the Journal of Health & Biological Sciences, South Africa ranked highest for urinary tract infections (UTIs) among eight other sub-Saharan African countries. Overall, the prevalence of UTIs in sub-Saharan Africa is 32.12 per cent, with the highest prevalence (67.6 per cent) recorded in SA, followed by Nigeria (43.65 per cent) and Zambia (38.25 per cent).
In SA, UTIs are common, especially among women. Factors like compromised immunity, diabetes and poor personal hygiene – exacerbated by
poor sanitation, limited access to clean water and inadequate healthcare infrastructure – increase their risk of contracting UTIs.
Elani van Zyl, critical care product manager for Pharma Dynamics, says 25–30 per cent of women between 20 and 40 experience recurrent infections. “Getting two UTIs in six months or three in a year is considered having recurrent UTIs.
“Bladder infections (cystitis) occur when tiny microbes travel up the urethra and into the bladder, causing an uncomfortable and painful infection in the lower urinary tract. While easily treatable, UTIs can spread into your upper urinary tract and cause myriad problems, necessitating a proper diagnosis early on.”
She points out that anatomically, women are more prone to UTIs since they have a shorter urethra than men. This shorter distance between the bladder and the external environment makes it easier for bacteria to travel up the urethra and reach the bladder, leading to infections.
“Sexual activity can also introduce unwanted bacteria into the urinary tract since a woman’s urethra is much closer to the anus than in men, making it easier for bacteria to wind up in the bladder.
“Mechanical contraception – spermicides, diaphragms and cervical caps – can also increase the risk of UTIs by altering the balance of bacteria in the vagina or by irritating the urinary tract.”
In men, prostate problems can increase their risk of UTIs.
Van Zyl says a swollen prostate can affect different parts of the urinary system, making it harder for urine to flow through the narrow tube. It can cause inflammation, increasing the risk of bacterial infection and leading to cystitis or prostatitis in men.
While E.coli causes over 80 per cent of UTIs, other bacteria, like Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus, are also responsible for the disease, albeit to a lesser degree.
She notes that while the best treatment for UTIs is antibiotics, preventing urinary tract infections is crucial in the fight against antibiotic resistance and ensuring these medications remain effective for treating bacterial infections.“
Preventing bladder infections or UTIs involves adopting healthy lifestyle habits and practices that reduce the risk of bacterial growth and infection in the urinary tract.”
Here are some preventive measures:
* Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps flush bacteria out of the urinary tract, reducing the risk of infection. Aim for around 6–8 glasses of water daily, unless a healthcare professional advises otherwise.
* Maintain good hygiene: Women should wipe from front to back after using the bathroom to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus to the urethra. Keeping the genital area clean and dry helps prevent bacterial growth.
* Urinate when needed: Don’t hold urine for long periods as this can allow bacteria to multiply in the urinary tract. Empty your bladder regularly, especially after sexual intercourse.
* Practise safe sex: Using condoms during sexual intercourse can help reduce the risk of introducing bacteria into the urinary tract.
Urinating before and after intercourse may also help flush out bacteria.