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Cool beach activities you could try this holiday

Relax at the beach this festive season or occupy yourself by trying out some of the following ideas.

We are nearing the festive holiday period, and what better way to spend the holiday than by chilling at the beach.

‘Why the beach?’ you might ask. Well, entry is free (unless you pay for a parking space). The beach is a place where you can let loose and relax.

You wont have to make a major effort on your appearance or spend x amount of money to enjoy yourself at a place. Besides swimming or sleeping on the sand like a beached whale, there are numerous other activities you could try out too

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• Fishing – Not only is this sport fun for some, but is also rewarding when you do land yourself a big catch. Then you may as well extend your beach stay and cook up a meal at the beach with your catch.

• Picnic – Instead of buying food or snacks from restaurants or vendors nearby, why not pack yourself a picnic basket which could be healthier and way more affordable?

• Sandcastles – You have all the tools at hand: sand and water. If you’re really good at it, why not turn it into a sandcastle building competition?


• Seashells – Look for some of the prettiest and rarest shells you may want to collect.

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• Walk/exercise – Go for a nice long walk (with company if you must) or if you’re more of an athletic person why not run or exercise on the beach? That way you can have quite spectacular scenery while exercising.

• Reading – Take your favourite novel down to the beach and read in the serenity.

• Listen to music – Head bump to your best tracks while enjoying the beautiful scenery and quietness (depending on what you’re at). Also, do take headphones as loud music is surely not permitted at most beaches.

• Games – You can pay an infinite amount of games at the beach. Be it something you think up on the spot or a game of catches, bat and ball or even soccer.

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• Swimming/surfing – For some, it’s all about swimming or at least trying to swim. Just ensure that if there are children in the water, it’s near lifeguards or there’s adult supervision. If you know how to, then surfing is also on the table.

Lastly, don’t forget two of the most important thing to always take with to the beach, a towel and sunscreen.


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