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Sharks rugby cap for Everraud Raynard

The youngster has excelled in the pool and on the rugby field.

Everraud Raynard has been selected to play for the Sharks Primary Schools’ team at the U13 Craven Week in Pietermaritzburg from June 26-30. That’s not bad going for a youngster who went to Penzance Primary to gain greater swimming opportunities and only started playing rugby last year.

Everraud Raynard.

The tearaway 8th man has made a massive impact with his strength and pace and can now look forward to pitting his skills against some of the best players in the country.

Everraud Raynard in rugby action.

The Grade 7 boy is still taking his swimming seriously, of course, and earlier this year won the 13 and under age group at the Midmar Mile in a time of 21:05. He also smashed a number of records at the Top 8 gala, including his own from last year.

Everraud Raynard at the Midmar Mile, where he won the 13 and under age group race.

In the recent SA Schools Swimming championships held at King’s Park he swam for KwaZulu-Natal schools and clinched three gold medals and six silver medals. He excelled in freestyle, butterfly and medley races (individual and relay).

Everraud Raynard with some of his many swimming trophies. His younger brother Enzo is also a swimmer of some note.

Everraud’s family currently resides in Kloof but has a home in Umtentweni and he was previously at school on the South Coast.
He is called Jordan at home – to differentiate from his father, who is also Everraud.


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