
Southcity delivers thrilling hockey matches

It was an exciting day for all.

It was an electrifying showdown as Southcity teams clashed with St. Patrick’s in a series of gripping hockey matches last Friday. The day commenced with the U14 girls’ team dominating with an impressive 6-0 victory, setting the stage for an afternoon of intense competition.

The U16 girls’ team battled valiantly, resulting in a hard-fought 1-1 draw, showcasing their resilience and determination on the field. In a surprising turn, the first-team girls faced a setback, falling short with a 0-2 loss, highlighting the unpredictability of the sport.

Meanwhile, the U16 boys’ team delivered a spectacular 5-0 triumph, exhibiting exceptional skill and teamwork. However, the first team boys encountered a narrow defeat, concluding the matches with a 0-1 loss in a tightly contested encounter.

Despite the mixed results, Southcity teams displayed unwavering spirit and sportsmanship, earning admiration from fans for their commitment and passion for the game.

Southcity’s hockey boys.


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