Rehabilitated Isipingo train station inspected
There have been major upgrades and renovations done at many of the railway stations on the south coast.

ON FEBRUARY 29, Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) board members and executives visited the Isipingo train station to conduct an oversight visit on the rail infrastructure that has been rehabilitated.
Also read: New train launched in Isipingo
The Isipingo station is one of the most important in the region as it has an electricity substation, which powers the trains that travel between the South Coast and Durban. The chairperson of the Prasa board of directors, Nokwe Macamo, said a lot of work has been done to rehabilitate the rail infrastructure that was damaged by the floods in 2022.
“The Isipingo electricity substation is operating at 40%, and we are impressed with the progress. As part of our plans, we started with the substations, and then we will move onto other things that include recovering the railway lines,” said Macamo.
She also said that the Prasa board was pleased to note that the performance of the organisation was sitting close to 70%.
“That means all the work that has gone towards the recovery is going according to plan,” she said.
There is still no word when the Illovo River railway bridge will be fixed as it was also damaged by the floods. Some work to recover the cables started early in 2023 but later stopped. Since April 2022, trains between the Lower South Coast and Amanzimtoti have stopped running. From Durban, a train can only go as far as Winklespruit.
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