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Gaming tournament planned for Amanzimtoti

Amanzimtoti's Blood Bowl champion is eager to the bring the game to the South Coast and hopes that other passionate gamers will join.

AMANZIMTOTI’s Carl Coetzee won a trophy in the third Blood Bowl tournament which was held at The Batcave in Kloof recently. Blood Bowl is a miniatures fantasy rugby game played on a board with units from the Warhammer universe.

Also read: Amanzimtoti Warhammer Club joins forces with Wargaming Club

Coetzee said the tournament consisted of three rounds which were played over two weekends. He was excited to take part in the competition and his achievement.

“Next year I will host one in Amanzimtoti once I have secured a venue,” he said.

Anyone who wants more information on the game can contact Coetzee on 083 629 0862.

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Vusi Mthalane

Senior Journalist

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