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Donate to Amanzimtoti SPCA

The Amanzimtoti SPCA's stock of soft / tin foods is critically low. The animal welfare organisation calls on the community for donations.

SPCA Amanzimtoti has expressed gratitude to the community for the support offered over the years as it continues its drive for animal welfare.

Also read: Mongooses hunted: SPCA seizes 28 dogs

It also calls for donations as stocks of tin / soft food for cats and kittens as well as rice are almost depleted.

“You have been with us through the valleys and on the mountaintops. We know the last few years have been very difficult for everyone. We truly appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Please also consider donating chicken and rice as this can be used for all animals,” said SPCA in a statement.

Donations can be dropped off at the following places:
• Dr Hoole at Doonside Veterinary Hospital.
• SPCA shops at 115 Kingsway Road, Warner Beach, and at 3 Scott Street, Scottburgh.
• SPCA food bins at Pick n Pay Hyper Arbour Crossing, and Pick n Pay Kingsburgh.

A thank you letter and / or an 18A tax receipt can be requested by emailing proof of payment and the donor’s details to pro@spcatoti.co.za.

Cash donations can be made at:
Amanzimtoti SPCA
First National Bank
Galleria Branch
Bank Code: 220 127
Account Number: 62807184552
Ref: Name Surname.

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Vusi Mthalane

Senior Journalist

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