BlogsEditor's noteOpinion

A sign of the times

Childline faces impending closure should it not secure funding urgently.

THAT Childline faces impending closure should it not secure funding urgently, is sadly a sign of the times.
This irreplaceable non-profit organisation provides essential services to this province’s young population.
From help and advice, to counselling, therapy and support, Childline is where vulnerable children reach out to in a final effort to seek comfort and solace in the face of their daunting tribulations.
Children who have to deal with issues ranging from schoolyard bullying and exam pressures to suicide, domestic violence and sexual abuse, have been using Childline as a last resort for more than 27 years.
That such a service is still as vital today as it was 27 years ago, is in itself an indictment of our society.
But that this NPO is left out in the cold so severely through funding delays from the national lottery, is a travesty.
The last thing anyone wants is a situation where more individuals and organisations are dependent on hand-outs from government, however where legitimate NPOs are involved in saving lives, this is nothing less than vital.
The national lottery has been operational for long enough now that administrative delays in funding should be minimal.
For far too long, Africa has been accused of operating to the tick-tock of its own clock, with several sayings about ‘Africa time’ alluding to our inefficiencies as a continent.
South Africa is well placed to dispel this myth, but only if we seize the moment to do so, especially with regards to life-saving functions – and post haste.

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