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School takes up 67 days initiative

MOWAT Park High School is going beyond 67 Minutes for Mandela Day by spreading Madiba magic over 67 days.

An initiative birthed from the 67 Minutes initiative, pupils and teachers have dedicated themselves to giving back to the community. A school rooted in self-service, pupils are encouraged to use their skills to find solutions to social issues in the community.

“Teenagers should be able to offer far more than 67 minutes,” said principal, Nkosinathi Tsaulwayo. On 18 July, the 67 days project was officially launched at a formal assembly marking Madiba’s birthday.

Over 900 pupils have identified and adopted a social need they would like to address. Delivery of hampers to organisations in need of assistance has already taken place. Hampers included food, clothes and toiletries and a class visit. Pupils have also dedicated their time to beach-clean ups, hospital visits and spending time at crèches.

“It’s about making a practical input into the well-being of others. Everyone has bought into the concept of giving and sharing, it’s not always about money,” said the school principal.

The school has also joined together to assist a pupil whose house was burnt to the ground and her family lost everything. The school is raising funds to assist the family through various activities. Included in the 67 days is a campaign against women abused started by a pupil.

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