Abbaquar San Dream Centre launches new post-matric programme
In order to bridge the gap between matric and employment, the Abbaquar San Dream Centre has launched a new programme to upskill youth in the community.

THE Abbaquar San Dream Centre has initiated a post-matric experience programme that helps in the transition gap from being in school to entering the workspace.
Also read: Abbaquar San Dream Centre hosts school holiday programme
Dyllón Jones, the centre’s youth programme director, said the plan helps matrics and youngsters to enter the work field more smoothly.
“We all know the expectations set by employers to apply to jobs with a minimum of x amount of years’ experience, which is almost impossible for a matriculant. So, to better assist them I felt we need to find a way to help them get that experience while also helping them find jobs they enjoy and can see themselves growing in, versus sitting at home or taking an unproductive gap year while trying to figure out their next steps,” said Jones.
The programme has two different objectives, namely gaining practical work-readiness skills as well as gaining an understanding of the career path young people will feel the most passionate about. He added that the initiative keeps these energetic youngsters active to avoid the danger of falling into the habit of doing nothing, something that often only serves to make later transitions back into structured situations at workplaces and schools even tougher.
The post-matric experience programme is a holistic approach to preparing youth for the working world.
Jones said it offers career exploration and training in essential workplace skills, including CV writing and interview techniques. Participants will gain practical work experience, receive letters of recommendation and obtain character references while contributing to the community and building personal and professional attributes.
The programme will be open to eight youths from the community. Applications should be made in person by collecting an application form from the Abbaquar San Dream Centre at 103 Silvertree Road.
“Our ultimate goal is to have the participants leave the programme better prepared to pursue their dreams, whether it’s landing their first job, securing funding for further studies, or simply knowing what they want to do next,” said Jones.
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