Full points for Wentworth A side women bowlers in league fixture
Bowlers are reminded that on Wednesday its Chicken Shack bowls starts at 9am.

SATURDAY’S start of the women’s league got off on the right foot, with two Wentworth Bowling Club teams entered after a long absence from the league.
The club is very proud of all the women who participated, especially the A side who came home with full points.
Everyone acquitted themselves well against a team of very seasoned bowlers – well done. The men also played league games but unfortunately the luck of the women was not on their side.
The club’s bowling week started off on Thursday with the Rawson breakfast trips, where Dave Rowe, Kurt Spack and Dawn Spack showed off their bowling skills by taking first prize.
Gary Moffat, Lilah Nel and Bridgette White took home the second prize but the Bluff bowlers couldn’t claim all the prizes for the day as Maree Sadie, Hennie Marias and Jenny Greef claimed the second session prize.
Dawn Spack went home with the whiskey and both Dirk Ross and Chris Pozyn won a bottle of wine each. The 60/40 board was shared by Dave Carroll and Kurt Spack. Dudley Saunders won the meat raffle.
Friday saw the pensioners out in full glory. Terry Micholson, Shaun Sutherland and Eric Muller showed off their skills and took home the first prize. Alan Ritchie and his team Gerard Hoffman and Henry Welgemoed took home the second prize. Jumbo Nel, Peter Snyman and Robin De Gouvea were happy to take home the sportsman’s prize. Piet Snyman and Tomcat Cavanagh shared the first 60/40 board spoils and Kurt Spack and Graham Bransby shared the prizes for the second board.
Spur Big Jim pairs were played on Sunday. Noel and Deon Els proved their bowling skills when they took home first prize. Dave Carroll and Brendon Davies claimed the first session prize while Craig Heroldt and Colin Nicolas claimed the second session prize. Honey and Phil ‘the milkman’ Hill scooped the prizes on the first board and Eileen and Margaret Walters took the second board prizes. Deon Els proved his winning streak when he won the meat raffle for his Sunday lunch.
Bowlers are reminded that on Wednesday the Chicken Shack bowls start at 9am.
The kitchen will be open daily from 11am to 6pm, offering light meals and home cooked meals for take-away or sit down. Call Marika on 071-594-1225 to place orders.
The hall is available for hiring for private functions and green and braai facilities are on offer for corporate functions and team building events. The big screen can be set up to watch sporting highlights. Call the club on 031-467-7103 for details.
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