
Standing up against abuse

Women and children suffer abuse on a daily in the world and 16 days of activism that will be celebrated at the end of November. The world will just focus on what can be done in eliminate abuse of women and children.

A 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign will be starting at the end of this month.

The campaign is focused on the abuse that happens to women and children daily around the world.

This year’s campaign theme will continue from last year which was ‘From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let’s Challenge Militarism and end Violence against Women.’

The 16 Days campaign will focus on three priority areas while underlining the issues of economic and social rights with hostility and gender-based violence:

· Violence perpetrated by State actors

Police, judges, and prosecutors harass women victimized by gender-based violence into silence.

· Domestic violence and the role of small arms:

Domestic violence continues to occur in every region of the world, with the majority of the world’s women experiencing violence inflicted by an intimate partner at some point in their lives.

· Sexual violence during and after conflict:

Violent conflict increases the vulnerabilities of women and girls, where rape, sexual slavery, mutilation, forced impregnation, and forced “marriage” occur against them at a higher rate than during times of relative peace.

The 16 Days Campaign encourages participants to focus on areas that are most relevant to their specific community.

Participants may consider how they can engage with their governments and communities to challenge and change in positive terms the structures that perpetuate gender-based violence.

A young mother who has been abused by her partner.
A young mother who has been abused by her partner. -Posed Pic. Make-up used to illustrate the extent of abuse.

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