Categories: Local Soccer
| On 6 years ago

Baxter wants Senong and Fortune out of Bafana – report

By Phakaaathi Reporter

Upon his reappointment as Bafana Bafana coach, Baxter was given Senong as his assistant after he did not want to work with Owen da Gama.

Fortune was also added to the technical team despite his limited coaching experience.

According to Tab Sports Network Express a breakdown in trust between Baxter and Senong was detailed by the Bafana coach in a review submitted to SA Football Association Danny Jordaan about Bafana’s failed World Cup campaign.

In the same review, Baxter has reportedly stated that he doesn’t see the value of former Bafana midfielder in his technical team.

Baxter is said to have told Safa that the former Manchester United contributed little to the coaching process before matches, and offered few tactical insights during the game.

The English mentor, however, was told by the head of Safa technical committee, Natasha Tschilas, that he cannot choose his own staff.