Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Chiefs coach off to Ireland

By Phakaaathi Reporter

Zwane, a brilliant winger in his playing days at Amakhosi, will be there for a couple of weeks.

“I’ll be gone for around twelve days to Belfast to do my UEFA B Licence with the Irish FA,” Zwane told the Chiefs official website.

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“I’ve done my ‘B’ and my ‘A’ in South Africa, so I just want to learn more about the game. It’s not about having certificates, it’s about equipping myself with the right information and understanding the game better.

“It’s important for me to be on the same page with the rest of the world and see the different approaches when it comes to coaching and mentoring young people. There is an aspect of integrating them from the lower leagues and preparing them for the highest level.

“Learning is the most important thing. I will bring the experience back to Kaizer Chiefs because I’ll be there representing the club and I am grateful for the opportunity and support given to me by the management,” added Zwane.

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