Categories: Local Soccer
| On 5 years ago

Masutha mourns former Leopards teammate

By Thembinkosi Sekgaphane

The 47-year-old school teacher, who played for Leopards between 1990 and 2004, died at a private hospital on Monday afternoon.

Masutha says the football fraternity in Limpopo failed Mathelemusa by not involving him in sporting activities or appointing him as an ambassador.

“For me he is a legend in our province and for what he has done for Black Leopards cannot be majored by anything and I feel the football fraternity in Limpopo, especial in our area (Vhembe) failed him. We could have used him in certain things, maybe make him an ambassador or something because his experience needed to be shared with the upcoming generation,” Masutha told LimSportzone.

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