Categories: Local Soccer
| On 6 years ago

McCarthy explains Patosi’s substitution

By Phakaaathi Reporter

The City coach says he was not happy with the midfielder’s performance and had to bring on someone who will do the job for him.

“I wanted him to give us a bit more, it was a game not for the faint-hearted. I wanted him to get on the ball on as much as he can and allow us to play with ability and quality that he has.
And the legs seemed like they weren’t there. Dylon Claasen and Edwin Gyimah were playing freely and he wasn’t giving support to Teko Modise and Roland Pustche,” McCarthy told SuperSport TV.

“I just thought I had to change it up before it is too late and with us winning the game I could afford to do that. It was a tactical substitution, but I wasn’t happy with what he was giving us for that time he was on the pitch. I made the change and I think it’s worth it,” added McCarthy.